What is HQ ?
HQ is a unique programme we’ve developed to make your working life more efficient and more effective. It’s a web-based office management system for you and your team. And because it’s web based, it’s available wherever and whenever you want it.
The Product
Think of emails, contacts, documents, ToDo lists, time sheets, calendars and everything else you need to operate day-to-day. All together. That’s HQ.
And because no man – or woman – is an island, we’ve made HQ perfect for your team too.
Every piece of information stored in HQ can be automatically shared with colleagues with a rapid search that takes just seconds.
Just type in a word and HQ will provide you with every related document almost instantly.
The powerful database and indexing allows you to create, store, search and retrieve virtually all your organisation’s data in one location.
As our lives become more mobile our access to information needs to keep pace. Whether it’s in or out of the office, if you’ve got access to the Internet you’ve got HQ.
It’s everything you’ll ever need to help manage the success of your organization.
º click here for HQ’s Key Features